Tuesday, July 31, 2018

This Day In History - Hurricane Sunk Treasure Ships

For this day in history Mary and I wrote about the article, This Is what we wrote

About The Article:
In 1715 a Hurricane sunk treasure ships. The Treasure ships ships stayed close to the Florida coast. On July 24th Spanish ships Left The Havana. 

So What: 
There were plenty of valuable  treasures aboard the ship, now they are lost under the sea when they could have been in a museum for everyone to admire.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Quick Write - Write a Story On A Paper Back Writer

Today for quick write we wrote a short story about a paperback writer. This was five minutes of work.

Cathy Was her name well Cathy Cassidy, she was a beloved girl by all. The girl wanted to be a writer all she dreamed about writing sitting alone by the river and writing story about anything. The story that Cathy had dreamed about were all about family and never giving in. Everyone that meet her was amazed by what she had dreamed. She dreamed and dreamed until her parents got all her story published and the audience loved them.

This Day In History - Careless Days Introduced

Friday, July 27, 2018

Weekly Reflection

My first week back at school was Super fun. The start of my term was good, I got lots of work done. My project is going well. Next Week i am going to try and get more work done. I would like to get more maths and learn more about Scratch. Scratch is an online coding system were you make games and puzzles and heaps. I really enjoyed my first week back. 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Quick Write - Conflic

Today quick write was about writing a 5 minute story that had conflict in it this is my one.

One day a girl was walking with her friend bob when a massive dog started chasing them down the street at top speed the people ran threw a dark forest track just off the road. They made it about halfway and they could hear the dog whimpering they felt bad and followed the trail only to realise the dog was fine.It was the great chase now they were going to climb a tree then realised that it was all a day dream. Bob thought it was weird to have a day dream this detailed and this dramatic.

Paper Clip

I then traded Tui The toys for a nail buffer

Paper Clip

At home I traded My sister Breagh this little dog for 2 little toys.

This Day In History - Flood

Made bye - Tui, Sophie and Eden.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Paper Clip

I traded Tui The Butterfly Topper for this little dog teddy.

Paper Clip

After i traded Grace the Jell Pen for a Butterfly pencil topper

Paper Clip

I Traded Cameron a Highlighter for a jell Pen.

Quick Write - The Crocodile

This Is a quick Write i only had five minutes to write a narrative. We wrote it about a good time you had with a cousin or friend we could make it fictional this is what i wrote.

Once apon a time there was a girl called Tui and her cousin called Sophie. Sophie and Tui enjoyed exploring the jungle for fun and interesting things to do. They went out to the forest in search of a cave or a swimming hole or just something they could do. The girls stumbled across a pond but what lay beneath the surface of the water was going to change that. 

when the girls jumped into the deep crystal blue water they say a shadow of something i the water Sophie Screamed so loud and got out of the water asap but Tui stayed in and said "Really Sophie its just a dark patch your fine" Sophie still not convinced jumped into the water. The shadow lurking bellow them was a Crocodile. It wasn't interested in the girls so he swam off.

This Day In History - Disaster

So What - 
Keep a boat balanced. Its a big accident and the poor boat design has made the boats today safer.   

Monday, July 23, 2018

paperclip challenge

I traded Kahi The Pen for His Paperclip

I then traded tui a paperclip for a Yellow Highlighter

Paper Clip Challenge.

Holiday Recap

On my holiday My family went to Invercargill for the first week. We visited Lots of family and friends. Well We were in we stayed with mum and dads friend Craig. I thought it was really nice to go see Our Great nana we all were talking for like 2 hours but it felt like five minutes.  On our second week I went and stayed with our friends Kate and Shannon In Leeston is outside of Christchurch, we had so much fun.

This Day In History - Guns N' Roses

Today Sophie Tui And I Created This Slide About Guns N' Roses And The Song Sweet Child O' Mine.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Prebiotics Vs Probiotics

We put together a Venn diagram on the differences and the simulations between Prebiotics And Probiotics, This Is My One.

The Gross Stench

This term we decided to grow mould because our topic is food, We all had to put together a slide or presentation on our mould this was mine. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What Is Fungi?

This Term we have been writing explanations we wrote one on What Is Fungi so this is my final product.


In Class We have been doing a picture and wrote an explanation on  the topic. For this quick write we invented a invention of our choose so this is my piece of writing. The underlined word is our word of the day. 

This is my excogitate (plan, Idea) I would build a robot to be your BFF and go anywhere with you . It will be called the HiRob Short for high Five Robot. It would be a Medium height robot that had rubber gloves over dummy hands hooked up to a little metal body.
The robot would sit on wheels and could fly,
It would also be waterproof and be as sturdy as titanium.
The robot would have built in things eg umbrella and a
pocket knife also a phone and a flare for those tricky situations.

A Tasty Difference...

For the past few weeks we have been Doing fermented foods Fermented foods are a healthy alternative to normal bland foods, it also helps persevere food. Bridget and I worked together and made kombucha tea and sourdough bread also Puto (it is a Philippine desert). This Was the process that we